“STAGe FRiGHT: The THRILLusion Show!
Halloween is this country’s second favorite holiday. With over $2 billion spent on celebrating this creepy time of year, there must be some fascination with it! Magic, Illusion and Halloween seem to go together like Peanutbutter & Jelly. So we have produced “StageFright” to fill the hunger for something fun and bizarre with plenty of twists and turns to raise the hair on the back of your neck.
“StageFright” comes in several different styles. Sometimes it is presented as a “just for fun” event at company parties for the family, community events hosted by parks & rec and at school functions. It features Terry and his bag of strange tricks that gets everyone involved with laughter and gasps of excitement over the appearance of a few spiders and snakes (Karl the Khyber Kobra actually does a card trick!).
Sometimes “StageFright” is presented on a more mature level when there are no children present. Exploring the topics of telekenesis, mind reading and communicating with the spirit world are part of this presentation. Of course some of it is presented tongue-in-cheek and many old wive’s tales and folklore is debunked during the journey.
But the most popular version of “StageFright” is the full evening “THRILLusion” fund raising event. This 2-hour show is presented in 2 acts with an intermission. The cast and crew of this show create a true chilling theatrical experience for the family audience. With curtains, pro audio, moving lighting and special effects, your venue is transformed into the “Theatre of Mystery”. Large stage illusions are presented that involve levitation, a guillotine and the recreation of one of Harry Houdini’s famous escapes. There are moments that will have you laughing to tears and then catching yourself with your jaw hanging wide open experiencing pure wonder. This G-Rated show is ideal for families .
Since the idea of this version is to raise money for your cause, we make it easy for you to do just that. Many people settle for just selling tickets to this show, but we show you a dozen other ideas for making money with this show. You are provided with the “Project Guide” which is a 144 page manual that guides you step-by-step of how to make this the best fund raiser you have ever attempted.
It’s like being taken by the hand and led step-by-step, day-by-day of exactly what to do, how to do it and when. This makes it very easy for you and your team to see the encouraging prgress that happens as you near show day! The guide includes a CD and DVD with templates for posters, flyers, tickets, audience programs, raffles, contests and all the tools you will need to have a successful event. They even include radio and TV commercials that can be played in house or given to local media.
Whether you are just entertaining a group of kids at your special event, drawing families to your venue to have a safe and fun time or to present our large illusion show as a fund raiser, “Stage Fright” is the solution you are looking for. Dates and time slots are EXTREMELY LIMITED. Don’t hesitate to contact us right now and get pencilled in on our calendar.